Tariffe Orodonzia

Consultation200 lei
Study model200 lei
Treatment plan
Orthognathic surgery consultation500 - 800 lei
Lingual fixed appliance INCOGNITO/arch12000 lei
INVISALIGN LITE appliance/arch8500 lei
INVISALIGN LITE device alignment treatment4200 Euro
Invisible brace alignment treatment INVISALIGN Teen/both arches5100 Euro
ClinCheck 3D virtual treatment plan1200 lei
Alignment treatment, SPARK 10 device / arcade1900 Euro
Alignment treatment, SPARK 10 device / 2 arcades2200 Euro
Alignment treatment, SPARK 20 device / arcades3900 Euro
Alignment treatment, SPARK 20 device / arcade2900 Euro
Alignment treatment, SPARK ADVANCE device / 2 arches5000 Euro
* Specialized orthodontic consultation200 lei
Panoramic X-ray (orthopantomogram) for clinic patients120 lei
Panoramic radiography (orthopantomogram) for patients outside the clinic150 lei
Diagnostic photos100 lei
Mobile orthodontic appliance1850 lei
EASY DRIVER system (includes implants + braces + implant insertion key)
Requires Maxillary CT and Digital Scan, not included in the price of the system
6000 - 7000 lei
Periodic control of mobile dental appliance price150 lei
Breaker2800 lei
Canine tooth discovery for orthodontic purposes600 - 1200 lei
Tooth disclosure included for orthodontic purposes600 - 2000 lei
Fixed dental appliance4000 lei
Orthodontic treatment with fixed physiognomic brackets / arch4900 lei
Orthodontic treatment with sapphire fixed brackets / arch6300 lei
Fixed appliance DAMON  / one arch6300 lei
Fixed appliance DAMON CLEAR  / arch7500 lei
Orthodontic treatment with partially fixed appliance metal brackets4000 lei
Orthodontic treatment with partially fixed appliance physiognomotic/sapphire brackets5000 lei
Orthodontic treatment with partial fixed appliance DAMON CLEAR SYSTEM/arch6500 lei
Orthodontic treatment with fixed appliance metal brackets phase II3000 lei
Orthodontic treatment with fixed braces sapphire phase II3600 lei
Orthodontic treatment with mobile orthodontic appliance/arch1850 lei
Periodic control of mobile dental appliance150 lei
Periodic control of functional dental appliance / DeLaire mask/Head Gear150 lei
Simple control of fixed orthodontic appliance on an arch150 lei
Control with the change of fixed dental appliance spring200 lei
Lingual arch control / transalatinal arch / Expander / Pendex150 lei
Repair, modification of mobile orthodontic appliance600 - 2000 lei
Molar band cementing100 lei
Bracket / tube fitting80 lei
Metallic bracket bonding100 lei
Easy Driver system (includes implants + device + insertion key)6000 - 7000 lei
Expander / Pendulum / Pendex / Nance1800 lei
Transpalatal arch1800 lei
Lingual arch1800 lei
Occlusion elevation200 - 1000 lei
Fixed space maintainer600 lei
Mobile space maintainer1200 lei
Orthoimplant / piece900 lei
Auxiliary spring (spiral spring, hook) / piece100 lei
Stripping150 lei